Reminiscing the PAST #BU2

Reminiscing the past.
BLOGGERS UNITED 2 at Treston International College.

If you're curious about BU2. Here's some of my photos with the bloggers.

Rush rush rush. Look at the booth of the bloggers.

Laureen Uy while having a foot spa at the venue.

Photos With Ms. Laureen Uy


Photos With IDOL Crush Karl Leuterio

With Ms. Kryz Uy

With Papa Victor Basa HAHA :D and Mama Beks Divine Lee

Ms. Kookie Buhain

Photos With Ms. Kookie Buhain

Photos With Ms. Aisa Ipac

The Team.
This was the first time we met Darem Mendoza. CLICKED!

Hoping to join BU4. The sooner, the better! Yay :)


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